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    Expand your eBusiness to Facebook for Effective Increase in Conversion!!

    Author: christev

    Facebook shines as a beacon due to its uniqueness and ease of use, thus gaining immense popularity, exceeding the 800 million mark in its active users list. This enormity has impelled every small and big business to imbibe them into Facebook. Once you show your brand in the Facebook world, your services/products are reached to millions via free viral marketing. The global reach of Facebook is the vital factor which effectively promotes your product. A customized facebook page which is highly interactive will help you build and strengthen the relationship with your clients /customers by keeping them engaged and active.
    Availing ongoing live interactions and user polls are easier ways to keep your target audience active. If you are able to bring your complete online store to facebook, you will see the profit irresistible. By setting up the entire web store in facebook, you are providing your facebook audience complete luxury of shopping and purchasing from your store through facebook. This is the very best attempt to achieve customer expectation, specifically facebook audiences. However, bringing your e-store on facebook is not too tedious.
    There are numerous ready to use apps which when installed and configured will show your store on facebook in minutes. For example,  Magento Facebook App will help you bring your magento store to facebook hassle-free. Considering few important factors would help you find an efficient facebook app for your online store
    •  Should be able to display your complete ecommerce store in Facebook.
    • Should allow adding any number of categories and products.
    • Shopping and Checkout by remaining in Facebook, should support checkout to be processed via magento back-end.
    • Must include customizable home page design in order to enhance/update the design standards as per customer expectation.
    • Should include tracking of order details within facebook account.
    • Must support extraordinary promotional activity like displaying the purchased product info on the user's wall, enabling the users to recommend favorite products to their network and also allowing users to invite their friends to buy a product.
    • Auto update of newly added product details on the users wall at frequent intervals.
    • User-friendly admin like allowing to set a wall status update / invitation message.
    • Display products in different view types.
    • Auto update of Categories and product details in Facebook while updated on your web store.
    •  Should have default facebook login feature to convert every new user to active user
    You will realize the advantages of facebook marketing when you see the rising sales arrow in your business growth chart. The best form of facebook marketing is by making complete shopping experience viable through facebook login for the facebook users. This way, you are now advanced to run your magento store in two different domains simultaneously which is directly proportional to increase in promotion and sales. A facebook store for the magento shop is the latest vogue in the internet marketing world and so, you should be in no way behind in the race.
    Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ecommerce-articles/expand-your-ebusiness-to-facebook-for-effective-increase-in-conversion-5363037.html
    About the Author
    Hello, i am christev has more that eight years of experience in field of website development and an expertise in ecommerce platform.

    2 komentar:

    1. engaging facebook page designs really help ecommerce companies to drive more fans and at same time increase conversions. We cant ignore facebook page design in an era when social media is peaking each day.

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